3 posts with the software tag
10. State Machines for Complex Robot Behavior, with Brett Aldrich
In this episode, Audrow Nash interviews Brett Aldrich, author of SMACC and CEO of Robosoft AI. Robosoft AI develops and maintains SMACC and SMACC2, which are event-driven, behavior state machine libraries for ROS 1 and ROS 2, respectively. Brett explains SMACC, its origins, other strategies for robot control such as behavior trees, speaks about the challenges of developing software for industry users and hobbists, and gives some advice for new roboticists.
11. Commercial-grade Autonomous Mowers, Safety, and Dogfooding, with CBQ
In this episode, Audrow Nash speaks to Charles Brian Quinn (aka, CBQ), CEO and a Co-Founder of Greenzie. Greenzie make an autonomous driving system for commercial lawn mowers. We talk about Greenzie's autonomous mowing system, how Greenzie has worked with manufacturers to up-fit their system into comercial mowers, how Greenzie does dog-fooding, safety and standards, and about CBQ's experiences bootstrapping and with venture capital.
4. Open Source Visualization and Debugging Tool for Robotics, with Adrian Macneil
In this episode, Audrow Nash interviews Adrian Macneil, Co-founder and CEO of Foxglove. Foxglove makes Foxglove Studio, an open source visualization and debugging tool for robotics. Adrian speaks about the origin of Foxglove, Foxglove’s business model, web and robotics, and gives advice to those interested in getting more involved in robotics.